Mr T-bone awarded as Microsoft MVP

Yesterday was a day in my life to remember! My daughter was awarded the best exam work in her class! I am a really proud father! On Friday she will graduate and we will celebrate hard. I will open up our grill/bar and flip some burgers and beers!

But also I was awarded! After being a community spirit and working with Microsoft products for more than 25 years on an high professional level, I was finally awarded as an Microsoft MVP.

I have always been passionate to help others, educating professionals and embrace new technology. Early in my career I managed to became an MCT, and have been since. This title has given me lots of benefits and opened some doors in my career. But this new award will really be a game changer!

On my first job as a trainer and responsible for all computers on a Microsoft training center, I was one of the best on Windows NT4. The Windows NT 4 resource kit was like a Bible to me and I decided to become an MVP on Windows NT4. But time flies! I was an MCSE charter member on Windows 2000, but never “dared” to apply for MVP. I have always been modest with my knowledge. Finally after 25 years, my college Andreas Stenhall convinced that I had it in me! Thanks for believing in me!